Saturday, December 2, 2006

The Rail Trail is groomed!

Rick was out on the Rail Trail early this morning and it is perfectly groomed from Bonanza /Rail Central out to 248. The sun is out and it is a glorious day but as Heinrick says..."Be sure to wear your long underwear"

Friday, December 1, 2006

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Holiday Music using bicycle parts

Happy December everyone!!! Check this out..

Moving Parts Make Holiday Music

Morning Edition, December 1, 2006 · A bike manufacturer commissioned composer Flip Baber to create holiday music using only bicycle parts.
About the Project
"Since Jingle Bells is a little overdone this time of year, I thought Tchaikovsky's 'Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy' (from the Nutcracker Suite) would be a great alternative," Baber says. "At first I didn't think it could be done, but as I recorded hundreds of sounds from a road bike and mountain bike it started to take shape."
Here are the mechanical ingredients he used:
• Glockenspiel and clarinet melody: Spokes.
• Cello and violin pizzicatos: Plucked derailleur cables.
• Triangle: Disc brake hit.
• Percussion: Shifting, coasting, finger over turning spokes, chain pulls, braking, clipping into pedals, back-spinning, air out of tires.

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

More Grooming!

Mountain Trails report the Rail Trail was groomed this afternoon from Bonanza to 248

Basin Recreation

Willow Creek Loop 3K groomed, good conditions
McLeod Creek Trail 4K groomed from Holiday Ranch Loop Rd to Willow Creek Park , good conditions
East 224 Connector Trail 4K groomed from Willow Creek to Wild Oats and SBSRD Rec Center
Ecker Hill Middle School

White Pine Touring

The 5km track is open. The 3km and Farm remain closed. White Pine Nordic Center is open for retail, lessons, season passes and guided tours. We will update this site everyday. Please visit us often. Call the Nordic Center at 435-649-6249 with any serious concerns. Thank you! WAX: Check here for daily wax reports this season!

REI Grant article in Salt Lake Tribune

Outdoor retailer to dispense grants to nonprofits
By Tribune StaffThe Salt Lake Tribune
Article Last Updated:11/22/2006

Posted: 3:08 PM- REI, the outdoor retailer cooperative with two Salt Lake County stores, will provide grants totaling $45,000 to seven nonprofit groups on Dec. 6, and also will honor five volunteers for their community service. The Jordan River Parkway Foundation and the Bonneville Shoreline Committee each will receive $10,000 from REI, through the Seattle-based company's $1 million program to help preserve and maintain 100 community parks. Receiving $5,000 grants will be The Utah Nordic Alliance, a regional cross country skiing club; Utah Society for Environmental Education, which builds understanding of the environment among area elementary and high school students; Parleys Rails Trails and Tunnel Coalition, which is installing signs along pedestrian and bicycle trails linking the Jordan River Parkway and the Bonneville Shoreline Trail; Girl Scouts of Utah, for its "Leave No Trace" program for girls ages 11-17; and The Mountain Trails Foundation, for kiosks at points along the Historic Union Pacific Rail Trail. Wasatch Outdoor Volunteer awards also will be presented to individuals associated with Utah Rivers Council, Cottonwood Canyons Foundation, Friends of the Utah Avalanche Forecast Center and the Great Salt Lakekeeper.
Thank you, REI!!!

Rail Trail Grooming

Rick has been packing the Rail Trail from Bonanza to 248 and will be out today with the drag.

Lots of snow, sunshine and cold temps are adding to our wintery mood!

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Grooming in the Basin

Snyderville Basin Special Recreation District Grooming has begun! Yahoo!

Willow Creek Loop 4K packed, good conditions for walking

McLeod Creek Trail 6K groomed from The Radison Inn to Willow Creek Park, good conditions for walking

East 224 Connector Trail 4K groomed from Willow Creek Park to Wild Oats and SBSRD Rec Center, good conditions for walking

Also check White Pine Touring for Charlie's grooming reports