Thursday, December 21, 2006

Winter Perfect

Rick from Mountain Trails groomed from 248 all the way down to Wanship and back this afternoon. We now have nearly 14 miles of groomed trail. The cover was pretty thin the last mile or so in Wanship but should be good after another storm.

Bob from Basin Recreation reports:
Willow Creek Loop 2K groomed today around the soccer fields, excellent winter conditions

Ecker Hill Middle School 1 mile groomed today, excellent winter conditions

Snow predicted for tomorrow so it looks like a happy holidays for all!

Be sure to check White Pine Touring track grooming link on the right

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

McLeod Creek Trail

Basin Recreation Grooming Report

ATTENTION: there will be construction across Mcleod Creek Trail close to Old Ranch Road during the next week or so, please use the detour provided
Willow Creek Loop 5K groomed, soft wintery conditions, track is a bit rough in spots
East 224 Connector Trail 4K groomed from Willow Creek to Wild Oats and SBSRD Rec Center, soft wintery conditions, track is a bit rough in spots
McLeod Creek Trail 6K groomed from Holiday Ranch Loop Rd to Old Ranch Rd., soft and wintery snow, abit rough in spots

Ecker Hill Middle School 1ml groomed yesterday, soft and wintery, a bit rough in the grooming

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Basin Recreation Grooming

Date: Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Willow Creek Loop 5K groomed yesterday afternoon, excellent winter conditions
East 224 Connector Trail 4K groomed yesterday afternoon, good coverage and excellent winter conditions
McLeod Creek Trail 6K groomed yesterday afternoon, good coverage and excellent winter conditions

Monday, December 18, 2006

Winter Wonderland

It's a wonderland out there.... Here's the first thing in the morning grooming report for the Rail Trail....
"I groomed from Bonanza to 248 late yesterday afternoon. There was over a foot of much needed new snow on the trail. I'd like to start track-packing from 248 down to Wanship later this week and maybe even start grooming that section "


Sunday, December 17, 2006

and more snow

Looks like we have almost a foot of new snow overnight and more coming. Will get the grooming reports posted as soon as they come in but it sure would be fun to go snowshoeing today