Sunday, January 14, 2007

Walkable/Bikable/ Sundance and Gary Fisher

We have a lot of fun coming up this week. First,an important meeting on "Walkable Bikeable Park City". This will be another step in the walkable plan. Landmark Design will be presenting the results of their phone survey and community meetings.

"Walking meeting planned"
Park Record Saturday January 13

Park City officials on Tuesday plan another in a series of open houses about walking and bicycling routes in the city.
The meeting is scheduled from 6 p.m. until 7:30 p.m. at City Hall. The government plans to review the early findings of an ongoing study and says a preliminary list of projects will be presented.
The city in 2006 started a wide-ranging discussion about how to make Park City easier to navigate for people not driving cars and the upcoming meeting continues those efforts.
The meeting will follow a set of earlier gatherings, held in late 2006, when Parkites told officials and City Hall's consultants what routes they see as safe or unsafe.
For more information, call City Hall at 615-5001.

Here is the Landmark Design webpage with tons of information

Sundance begins Friday and new this year is "WalkDance". Mountain Trails, Park City Municipal and Sundance have partnered to create walking routes throughout Park City for the Festival. It became apparent to our Share the Road Alt Trans group last year that it was easier to walk to the different venues than using your car (definitely about impossible), or taking the bus. This year the Sundance program includes the walking routes on their map, there will be confidence marking signs with distance in minutes and Sundance volunteers will be well- educated in suggesting how easy it is to walk. Sincere thanks to Park City Municipal and Sundance for acting on this suggestion and bringing it to reality. Signs will be posted this week. We hope this will lead to more walkable routes within Park City and dove tail with the above Park City Walkable/Bikeable study

Gary Fisher comes to SlamDance and Park City

Directed by Billy Savage A film by Pumelo Pictures
In the late 1960s and early 1970s, a group of hippie/athletes from the San Francisco Bay Area took their cycling adventures off-road and turned a hundred year-old industry upside down. Their bikes, scavenged from dumpsters and junkyards, were affectionately known as Klunkerz. It was from these humble beginnings that a multi-billion dollar industry, a new form of recreation for the masses, and an Olympic sport were born.

Park Record article Fisher, films featured in x-dance
x-Dance films are at Treasure Mountain Inn. Will find exact times and post on this blog

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