Sunday, June 3, 2007

Online Trail Map

Our new 2007 Trail Map is now online and we are so happy.
Let us know what you think


daniel said...

1. green lines (beginner trails) are too hard to see

2. bring back the contour lines

Christian said...

Nice work guys. I have done work on a few different GIS systems and know how hard it can be to put together a user friendly application. Are you using ArcIMS? I assume this is still a work in progress, so I have a couple of suggestions.
1. Highlight the trail that the query has been run on.
2. Add a distance attribute to the trail that has been selected.
3. A legend would be nice for users not familiar with the different colored trails.
4. The zoom bar doesn't seem to be functioning.
Keep up the good work, your efforts are greatly appreciated.